Hello! My name is Núria Maya.
I am a Doula, Lactation Consultant, Massage Therapist and Yoga Teacher specialized in pregnancy and postpartum. I accompany women and their families to improve their quality of life with tools for self-knowledge and self-care.
I am a woman, daughter, sister, mother, partner and friend. And I feel lucky to have a support network that nourishes and accompanies me.
This is why I know the importance of having and making tribe.
We all, at some point, need a helping hand, an ear willing to listen, a look of understanding, a warm hug...
My soul's calling is to be able to create spaces to accompany life processes through deep listening and loving contact.
I accompany motherhood in its different forms and moments, with simple and powerful tools that have been and are very useful in my own life processes.
Barcelona. El Masnou. Alella. Tiana. Montgat. Premià. Vilasar. Cabrera. Cabrils. Maresme. Barcelonés. Integral Yoga. Prenatal yoga. Postnatal Yoga. Pregnancy Yoga. Mum and baby Yoga. Prenatal massage. Pregnancy massage. Postnatal massage. Postpartum massage. Massage afterbirth. Birth preparation. Chi kung. Movement. Doula Barcelona. Doula Maresme. Doula Masnou. Prenatal Doula. Postnatal Doula. Birth Doula. Accompaniment pregnancy Barcelona. Accompaniment postpartum Barcelona. Birth Labour Accompaniment Barcelona. Lactation consultant Masnou. Barcelona, España. Meditation Masnou. Meditation Maresme. Meditation Barcelona. Home service Massage Barcelona. Home service massage Maresme. Home service massage Sant Cugat. Women Circle. Ceremonies. Rites of passage. Blessingway. Maternity. Closing the bones. Rebozo. Yoga y meditation intensives. Chakras. Breathing techniques. Pranayama. Asanas. Pelvic floor. Pelvic floor recovery.
... to live fully, with presence and health?
I accompany you
For enquiries and reservations:
Núria Maya
Barcelona, España
Tel: +34 640 212 814